Wednesday 30 July 2014

A quick Update

Dr. Update:

Went to the walk-in Dr to review my ultimately low thyroid levels and he starts off telling me how the Hashimoto's is effecting me and how my thyroid may be coming to it's end. Politely I ask how long it has and he states that based on the levels maybe a week or two and then it will be dead and turn into full blown Hypothyroid. Later the following week I see my Pain Specialist and he tells me that my belly swelling is do to the Pain med's (Lyrica) having Plateau'd  and becoming less effective which has spurred on the development of more swelling and cognitively impairing symptoms. Which explains why I keep getting asked if I'm pregnant, not cool body, not cool. Isn't that a side effect everyone wants at this age... I'd say it was a below the belt symptom haha. Well that's the news oh  and I'm also deficient in multiple area's so now I've added CLA, Selenium, Chromium to the docket of morning pills and will be started on a new pain med and decrease the old Lyrica.

 In other words I will be re-experiencing the medication altering effects so we'll see how that adventure goes. It's always a dangerous trip when sailing into the sea of side effects. Your body takes on a state of illness until the storm clears and as a ship can get turned around in the fog, the side effects of new drugs and side effects of old drugs mingle and I couldn't say which is effecting me and which is not. As I'm certain they are both at war inside me and I just need to wait it out and get back to the harbour.
~Elysia B

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I thought it would be fitting to have a refresh of the blog and a refresher post featuring a new reflection summary of my 10 year health j...