Wednesday 5 September 2012

A side note

On the ferry to salt spring island I was sitting in the car as the ferry backed out of the dock. The only way I could tell we were backing out was the point of reference I could see just barely through the rows of cars, I watched another ferry still docked. Once it was out of sight I no longer had a reference point to know which way we were turning, although I could feel the powerful boat moving I had no clue which way. It reminds me of pain, I reference a time when I had no pain and by remembering that I know which way my pains are heading, better, or worse, something I've felt or something I haven't. When storms come sometimes I forget what my point of reference is and it seems troubling to know if this is a worse pain then my normal pain, if it's worth mentioning or like my gallbladder if it's a lot more of a red flag then I think. It's hard to know when the pain's consistently inconsistent. The same goes for faith it's sometimes requires a Leap into the unknown or holding onto hope when you don't know if life will get better you try to find a point of reference to give you strength in knowing what direction your headed. For myself I need to remember not my past faith but my faiths past as a reference point. Meaning that when I don't know where I'm going I need to remember the captain does and god does and I couldn't drive this ferry.

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