Thursday 9 August 2012

Greek style beef souvlaki in the Slow Cooker

I hate being confined to a bed, I look around and see so many things I want to be getting too. It's like the story of the tortoise and the hare the moral being that slow and steady wins the race. But, feeling slow like the tortoise in the story, I can't agree the tortoise as I feel too slow as things pile up that I need to get to. But I also don't disagree with him because I have yet to see the end of this race, I do hope he is right tho... Through my own curiosity I was looking back to the story's origin, upon which I found an interesting biblical connection that interpreters of this story link to Ecclesiastes 9:11 which does sound very similar and is worth a read. Any who, Speaking of being slow, I've had a craving for greek food since we drove past a greek restaurant on our way into the fireworks this past weekend. I suppose it could be because as we drove past it occurred to me that I haven't had greek food in a long time, and I love greek food thus, I've just spent two hours attempting to create my own beef souvlaki. I scoured the internet looking for a greek beef souvlaki dish, but one that could be done in the slow cooker as I haven't been able to stay on my feet lately. I scoured and scoured to no avail, and so I took a bit from this recipe and that a bit from another recipe, and then looked up long lists of substitutions as I never have the right ingredients, or spices. Plus, I find it a little redundant finding a quick easy recipe only to have to go to the store to buy groceries for it, which takes up your quick easy time and turns into a wow-that-took-way-too-long recipe. And so, this is what I came up with:

Greek style beef souvlaki in the Slow Cooker
1/2 c. lemon juice
2/3 c. chicken broth (both recipes called for white or red wine but this is a great substitute)
1/4c. water
1/4c. olive oil
2 garlic cloves minced
baby potatoes diced
1 onion diced
3 celery stalks chopped
stewing beef chopped (smaller bits to go further for lunch tomorrow :) )
Added a dash of basil, sage, and spaghetti spice
let cook on high for 3 hours and wha-la, my husband comes home and says "That smells amazing!" and that's what it's all about :) He's happy and my tummy's happy and I sat while it cooked so I'm not in more pain from cooking and can actually relax and eat without nasty pains taunting me. Okay, that's a lie nasty pains taunted me..but not from the cooking scenario, thus it's a no-pain-payment meal success!
The trick these days is to just do little thing at a time, and take a break and then do a bit more.


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1 comment:

  1. Sounds great! Now I'm hungry for Greek food - thanks! You are so ingenuitive. I wonder who you learned that from?!? Oh and I'm already signed up on the ask whenever you need me invisible form so ask away. Love, Mom



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