Thursday 18 September 2014

Never enough

Lately I've been on-and-off reading Daring Greatly, which is a book written by Brene Brown through which she encourages us all to find our own ways of being vulnerably, living "wholehearted", and more than anything to dare greatly.

Today I know I dared greatly, because I came to school early for a small group

Before we grow up we must pay our dues and listen to the past, so that we can one day be great. Greatness will take courage and I don't think I am quite courageous enough to be great just yet..However in amongst a moment of self doubt there are moments such as right now. Right now in this moment I am alone, it is quiet, and I feel good. I think the new medication is helping my neuropathic pain as it has gone down and, I feel afraid to say it ...but, just maybe finally something is working. 


I thought it would be fitting to have a refresh of the blog and a refresher post featuring a new reflection summary of my 10 year health j...