Wednesday 11 June 2014


So it's been a couple months of drought from blogging as sometimes I can not muster the words to cement my feelings, as so much is left uncertain with my condition. When I was young and in high school we went through hardships on multiple levels at school and at home, and there were things I was certain I couldn't ever come back from, at least not unscathed. And yet, looking back those parts of me healed, scarred but healed. Then there were times when I felt so broken and I felt like I could never get past it but things change and mended. Time did not change in a way that erased it but I did heal from it. And now going through illness I wonder how I can ever possibly come away from this unscathed? is there a way? The truth is I don't think you pass through hardship or loss and come out exactly the same. I don't think it's possible. I think you are forever change and respond to life accordingly. However, its important to recognize that this is not the end, you can not stop living because the grief of loss can swallow you if you let it, but you can't. When your at the end of your rope you must hang on and find away through it all.

Constantly, I push myself to be more, to be better. I get laser focused on what I want and have a tendency to lose sight of everything else. (like this blog, sorry!) A sad truth is, I lose sight of myself sometimes too. I love that I can focus, it's a gift of sorts, yet I need to manage it better as there is a time and a place for that. But, the cost is great if the focus of the lens is too narrow and so it must constantly be managed and readjusted to include priorities. By this I mean learning to prioritized goals in a way in which you are giving things like school work, house work, communication, job and relationship all an appropriate amount of time each week. When I laser focus on my practicum, I try to learn everything by devoting my time to making flashcards reading the training manual, and focusing on management of situations better. I learn it faster but then, my house becomes messy, my diners become a flop, my courses are neglected, and my husband gets grumpy. Pretty much everything else is half-assed but my focus is brilliant, and its not worth it. I've learnt that its important to look at the cost of whatever your doing, and to look at what is in your control. I see that the cost of my illness is great, all I can do is minimize the damage it does on other areas of my life by preparing for flare ups, that is all I can control about it. The practicum is a grand adventure I'd love to consume my thoughts with learning more about however I need to look at the cost of it, even though it is a great thing to do and be consumed by it doesn't mean that it being good does not cost. It costs time, and if I risk spending too much time on it inevitably something else will be effected by it.  I'm finding that life is a grand balancing act and the most important thing to remember is that nothing, not even good things are worth the cost of your relationships suffering. Relationships at times need to be protected from ourselves. The Lens of my focus needs to be adjusted at all times to include people.




I thought it would be fitting to have a refresh of the blog and a refresher post featuring a new reflection summary of my 10 year health j...